
Church fits solar panels to generate green power

A LEDBURY church is going green after having more than 50 solar panels installed on its roof, making it more self-sufficient and saving money at the same time.

Fifty-four solar panels have been installed at St Michaels and All Angels, and are now generating electricity for the building.

On Monday, May 9, at 11am, the Bishop of Hereford the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis will be hoisted up to the roof to bless the new panels.

Team rector the Rev Paul Dunthorne said: “We’re hiring a cherry-picker, and all being well, will be lifting the bishop up to view and dedicate the panels, which should be quite a sight.”

There are 18 modules installed on the roof of the north aisle and 36 modules installed on the south aisle, with a maximum power output of 9.9 kilowatts peak power, according to suppliers Clear Focus.

One of the clinching factors was that the panels could be fitted to the roof of the 12th-century church while remaining invisible from below.

