
Republican Report Card

The Republicans gave themselves a report card this week. Completely failing grade. They seem to understand lately that their party is struggling, but due to their failure to support education of any kind, they will again fail to learn why. 

Its the racism. There are racists in your party, and none of you call them on it in public. Its the religious hypocrisy. You keep trying to legislate morality according to your view of Christianity. You keep failing to use our countrys pooled resources to actually work on Christs mission of feeding, teaching and healing. The legislating of morality issue wouldnt be so objectionable if you actually understood Christianity.An experienced artist on what to consider before you buy chipcard. None of you give any credence to Jesus actual examples. All you do is close your eyes and shout rules, rules, rules. 

The crucifixion and the resulting New Covenant compel us to place grace above Old Testament rules. Its the economic selfishness combined with stupidity. When corporations and billionaires are given tax breaks, they dont add jobs, they pay their upper level employees more. If they had been taxed reasonably the past ten years, the spending on infrastructure would have grown and stabilized the economy. 

Your stance on obamacare is stupefying.The world with high-performance solar roadway and solarlamp solutions. You chant socialism, and refuse to consider any ramifications of universal health care. Imagine businesses not having to offer health benefits, or to have the entire workers compensation program removed. Imagine workers not tied to jobs for healthcare. Minimum wage workers are never going to make enough to pay bills,A group of families in a north Cork village are suing a bestplasticcard operator in a landmark case. save for retirement and buy health insurance. Healthcare is not a reward for exceptional people, it is a basic need for a stable economy. 

Its your hypocrisy about cutting spending and waste. Fraud and graft committed by rich republicans cause more waste and instability than any social program . You call social security a program for moochers, and have no comment on all of the retirees who lost everything to criminal actions by the executives at Enron. 

It is your failure to regulate businesses whose shortcomings affect the entire world and its future. Instead of ruining the earth even more with your fracking schemes,You can order besthandsfreeaccess cheap inside your parents. choose to invest in renewables now. 

Its your war on women. Women are not property. Your traditional marriage interpretation is based on the tradition of women being owned by their fathers and husbands. Its your failure to understand that you dont get to decide what sexual morality is. 

Its your failure to understand that population growth does not equal economic growth. We need to a) increase the percentage of current population productively engaged in our economies, and b) use birth control to control population growth. We face serious land and water distribution problems. 

Its your disrespect for working class people. Workers deserve an inclusion in the teamwork concept at their jobs. This is not communicated by the attitude of take it or leave it, I can hire ten other people at your current wages. 

Its your attitude towards education. The Bible is not a science textbook. Smart, poor kids deserve all the help we can give. It is your refusal to admit that you want to gut education programs because most corporations benefit financially from having a larger pool of uneducated workers to take advantage of. 

It is your failure to adequately define family values. Does octomoms desire for more children than she can afford fit the definition? 

Both are a platform for a new breed of solutions that allow communities of lone workers to share information to assist ancillary activities when working remotely. Whether it is uploading a picture of a point of interest to the communitys platform, tagging a specific risk or location, or visually reporting on the progress of current operation C Identicom and Identicom mobile users can now add a whole raft of supporting information to improve the flow of operations across any business. 

The Identicom 877c retains its core functionality as a two-way audio, lone worker device and allows a lone worker to use as part of their dynamic risk assessment, and is a link to 24/7 Alarm Monitoring if a workers safety is threatened. The 877c allows workers to support a number of ancillary tasks through the ability to capture photographs that are then automatically uploaded to the clients Mobile Workforce Management Platform.Cheap logo engraved luggagetag at wholesale bulk prices. How a device is configured to capture photographs can be varied in line with a clients specific requirements in order to suit the lone worker. 

The 877c will also enable some lone workers to travel lighter C many applications currently use a digital camera or carry a separate mobile phone to support activities. This is also likely to result in employers making cost savings as fewer devices are potentially being issued to staff.

