
Adding a Few New Buildings to Existing Structures

In the fields, peppers, eggplant and winter squash are just getting started. "We planted two kinds of eggplant ¨C Japanese and Black Beauty,An oil painting supplies of him grinning through his illegal mustache is featured prominently in the lobby. which gives our CSA shareholders the chance to try different types of vegetables during the season," Phelan said.

Adding a Few New Buildings to Existing Structures,where he teaches oil painting reproduction in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Red Wiggler Settles In
A former dairy farm, the Red Wiggler site came readymade with a barn and a farmhouse. The farm is currently building a community center that will include a greenhouse, community space, and offices. It will be a timber frame building like the barn, and should be completed during the fall or winter.

Already on the farm is a solar house, the home of Woody Woodruff.the worldwide Wholesale pet supplies market is over $56 billion annually. The house was donated to Red Wiggler by the University of Maryland after its entry in the U.S. Department of Energy's 2005 Solar Decathlon, and has had a net zero carbon footprint.

"The students donated the house to Red Wiggler because previous competition houses had been demolished, and the students wanted it to be used as a house. That's what they'd built it for," said Phelan.

A Chance to Celebrate at Red Wiggler's Annual Harvest Supper and Silent Auction on September 10
Because of the community center construction, Red Wiggler will not be a part of this year's Montgomery County Farm Tour and Harvest Sale, but plans to return next year. However, Red Wiggler will hold their annual Harvest Supper and Silent Auction on Saturday, Sept. 10.The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling zentai suits , A vegetarian dinner prepared and provided by local chefs with ingredients freshly harvested from Red Wiggler's fields, the dinner is a chance to celebrate the hard work of the growers, staff, volunteers and the support of CSA shareholders and other fans of Red Wiggler. Held outside at the farm, tickets are $75 before Aug. 31, and $25 for children. A silent auction takes place in the barn, and the event begins at 4p.m. Sounds like a great evening, and a great way to end the summer Red Wiggler style.

Red Wiggler combines a desire to use everyone's talents to provide healthy food grown with sustainable methods, and in the process has developed a positive, supportive, farm-based community for all adults and children in Montgomery County. As a result,Great Rubber offers promotional usb keychains, Red Wiggler is growing and harvesting more than food through their CSA and other efforts. Congratulations to Woody Woodruff and his staff, to the growers and to those who support and share in all that Red Wiggler is achieving. We'll look for you at the Harvest Supper and Auction!

