
Haiti 18 Months After Devastating Quake

Some eighteen months after the disastrous earthquake that killed 300,000 people and drove 2 million into temporary camps, Haiti's crisis remains as difficult as ever.Park Assist is a global leader in glass bottle,

Ashley Smith talked to Kim Ives, a journalist and editor with Haiti Liberte, a weekly newspaper published in Port-au-Prince and New York City, about what the Caribbean country could expect from the U.S.-backed Michel Martelly, who won a presidential runoff election in March 2011. He was sworn in as president on May 14, 2011.

Ives also spoke about the recent Wikileaks revelations about U.S. meddling in the country and what the return of ousted former Jean-Bertrand Aristide has meant so far. Smith's questions, summed up in subheadings,Complete Your billabong boardshorts Magazine Collection for Less! are followed by Ives' answers.


Haiti is still reeling from the effects of the earthquake. The Interim Haitian Recovery Commission (IHRC) is at best a dismal failure. Only about one-third of the $5 billion, which was pledged for the first two years, has been disbursed. A recent report says 93 percent of all international aid to Haiti has gone to NGOs, not the Haitian government.

Conditions for people in and around Port-au-Prince are still deplorable. There are still hundreds of thousands of people still living in tent cities. Most of Port-au-Prince is still covered in rubble.

The international leadership of the IHRC is made up of 13 foreign bankers and ambassadors, and 13 members of the Haitian bourgeoisie or their lackeys. Their performance has been quite pathetic.

Many of these Haitians are actually part of the cabal of criminals I was just describing. For example, businessman Reginald Boulos, who sits on the board of the IHRC, was one of the bourgeois named in the Wikileaks cables as hijacking the police into becoming his own private militia. These are the wolves that are in charge of the chicken coop. They are in charge of the billions for Haiti's rebuilding, and they're doing a terrible job.

But these rich Haitians are incompetent wolves. Only 2 percent of all the contracts for Haiti's rebuilding have been given to Haitian companies. The real wolves are the international disaster capitalists.

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The U.S. took over the airport and began to divert planes, which were bringing in humanitarian and medical aid. In the process, they alienated France, Italy and Latin American countries that were trying to land with inflatable hospitals, medicine, doctors and so forth. The U.S. blocked these relief missions while they used the capital's sole runway to offload all sorts of weapons and military equipment.

On top of that, the (Wikileaks) cables reveal how the U.S. colluded with the disaster capitalists who flocked to Haiti. Merten described how American contractors were lining up in "a gold rush" to get a piece of the $10 billion in aid pledged to Haiti. People like Gen. Wesley Clark were coming in to hold press conferences and front for the companies seeking these contracts.

We also ran an article about how the cables prove the Haitian bourgeoisie transformed the Haitian police into their own private army. They bought arms for the police and essentially told them to guard their factories and warehouses. The Haitian elite went to the U.S. embassy to get them to take over their illegal operation of issuing arms to the police.

Another discovery we made in these cables about the hijacking of the police was that the U.S. knew there was a cabal of criminals inside the de facto government that they set up after the 2004 coup. The cables admitted that at the centre of it "was a small nexus of drug dealers and political insiders who control a network of dirty cops and gangs that are responsible for committing kidnapping and murders."


Martelly only won through U.S. intervention into the Haitian elections. The first round of the election was complete chaos a total mess in November 2010. In fact, all but the three frontrunners Michel Martelly, Mirlande Manigat and Jude Celestin pulled out of the race and called for the annulment of the election.

The run-off election was held in March, and Martelly apparently won, but yet again, his victory is very open to question. Less than a quarter of the electorate voted, a record low for a presidential election, not just for Haiti, but also for all of Latin America. Thus, Martelly has no mandate for his policies.

Martelly's program is very clear. He was a supporter of the dictator Baby Doc Duvalier. He was a very close associate of the army figures who carried out the first coup against Aristide in 1991 and a cheerleader for the paramilitary forces that carried out the second coup against Aristide in 2004.Polycore Ipod nano 5th are manufactured as a single sheet,

I think we can expect to see a predictably repressive policy from him. And he's also made no bones about the fact that he's going to follow a neoliberal path. He keeps saying that he intends to make Haiti a "business-friendly" country.What to consider before you buy Wholesale pet supplies. In a very strange and symbolic act, he met with the Colombian foreign minister and said, "We're going to follow the Colombian development plan"--that is, neoliberalism enforced at gunpoint.

