
Are You Getting The Calcium You Need?

Calcium is important for optimal health because calcium deficiencies can contribute to osteoporosis, muscle cramps, insomnia, mood/behavioral/nerve problems, hypertension, growth problems, kidney stones, and colon cancer.

Are you one of the many people who think you are getting sufficient calcium but actually are not? The Institute of Medicine recommends that children age 3-8 need 800 mg of calcium per day, while those ages 9-17 require 1,300 -1,500 mg per day, and adults require ~2,000 mg/day. However, according to the USDA'S Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals, 90% of adult women, 88% of teenage girls, 73% of adult men, and 68% of teenage boys are not getting enough calcium from the foods they eat.

Doctors who study calcium now understand that the amount of calcium absorbed depends on its interaction with other dietary nutrients. The absorbability of calcium is mainly determined by the presence of food constituents. One study (taken from a research article written by Robert Theil, Ph.D.,From standard Cable Ties to advanced wire tires, N.D.) found that whole food calcium is 8.79 times more absorbed into the blood than calcium carbonate and 2.97 times more than calcium gluconate.

Another study found that calcium in whole foods raised serum ionic calcium levels yet calcium carbonate did not raise these levels at all. When serum calcium levels drop, calcium leaves the bone¡ªso, absorption of calcium is better for bone health.

Animal products, dairy products and foods that leave an acid residue, as all cooked, ¡°dead¡± food, actually ¡°leach¡± calcium from the bones, to neutralize this acid! So, is milk really a good choice for calcium? NO,In addition to hydraulics fittings and Aion Kinah, the pasteurization process destroys a critical enzyme needed to assimilate calcium!!

Plant foods are better sources of calcium and do not lead to this bone ¡°leaching¡± of minerals. The best sources of plant based calcium include green leafy vegetables (kale,Choose from one of the major categories of Bedding, spinach, turnip & collard greens), raw nuts and seeds (soy nuts and sesame seeds), grains, beans (kidney & navy), fresh fruit, dried fruit, most vegetables, and blackstrap molasses.

Factors such as all natural vitamin D and other food substances including phospho- rous,What to consider before you buy oil painting supplies.Use bluray burner to burn video to BD DVD on blu ray burner disc. boron and trace minerals, are essential for calcium absorption and utilization.

It is important to know that in using synthetic preparations, you receive only those nutrients the creating scientists choose to include. By choosing whole food sources, you are assured of receiving complete nutrition, complete-the way God intended!

What kind of calcium are you taking? If you are taking calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate you are actually eating rock, limestone or chalk as in Tums, Rolaids, Os-Cal. Tums actually are not a good source of calcium, it does nothing more than neutralize the acid environment in the stomach, which is needed for proper absorption of calcium in the first place. Since humans do not absorb minerals in rock form, as plants can (this is one of the most basic ways plants and humans differ), should humans swallow ¡°rocks¡± for calcium? No, it is better for humans to consume natural calcium as it is found in plants.

Also, when the body attempts to convert these isolated/ synthetic/ inorganic nutrients into absorbable, usable nutrients, it nutritionally depletes the body of other nutrients (many of which are other vitamins and minerals).

This causes widespread deficiencies. At worst, some isolated and/or synthetic nutrients actually cause you to excrete more than you took of them, adding to a nutritional deficiency (while draining the body), rather than correcting one.

Food researchers have concluded that whole food calcium is the most suitable form of calcium for longterm supplementation. Calcium in food is superior to non-food calcium.

Calcium in whole foods, naturally occurring in plants, should always be your choice for calcium supplementation. So, how do you get adequate amounts of calcium? Easy, eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds, beans and whole grains, and avoid dairy products, soft drinks, processed foods, candy and calcium supplements in the form of "rocks." If you are interested in a natural way of getting calcium, essential minerals, as well as vitamins and antioxidants into your diet in the form of scientifically researched whole food nutrition.

If you¡¯d like more information on which whole food nutrition products I like call me. If you are not getting 13 servings of fresh, raw fruits and veggies each day, then you need to look at whole food, full spectrum, plant based nutrients to bridge the gap.

