
Take Their Trash With Them

National Park Service chief groundskeeper Anthony Migliaccio piloted his utility vehicle down the George Washington Memorial Parkway, surveying the good, the bad and the ugly in the government's new effort to get visitors to do something that doesn't come naturally: haul away their own garbage. 

Along the parkway's main stema lush, tree-lined Virginia roadway that runs from George Washington's Mount Vernon estate to the forests of Turkey Run Parkthere are now 55 fewer garbage cans. In their place are signs informing people that they are now expected to tote away their half-eaten hot dogs, soiled paper plates, crushed soda cans and the like. 

The idea behind project Carry In-Carry Out, explained Mr. Migliaccio, is to free up the park service's trash haulers to pursue more noble beautification projects, such as flower planting. 

But training the masses to stuff their own refuse back into their cars, purses and strollers is causing something of a stink.On a recent day, one lonely can in a busy park overflowed with visitors' refuse. Meanwhile, a nearby dispenser of free plastic trash bagseach printed with a plea for folks to retain their own wasteremained full.Bus driver Ronnie McGinley ambled over to the overloaded bin, carrying a plastic water bottle. So why not keep the vessel on the bus? "I don't want it rolling around," said Mr. McGinley, who seemed a bit nonplused by the voluntary rule. "You want it?" 

Still, the trash initiative presses on. The D.C. region's pilot program calls for replacing garbage bins from 27 locations along the parkway with twice as many signs asking people to own their own messes. It's a tall order. 

Each year the George Washington Parkwaya 32-mile national park/commuter route dotted with historic sites, memorials, picnic groves and wildlife refugesdraws about eight million visitors along with their dogs, diapers, paper plates and plastic sporks. It's the fifth most-visited feature in the national park system. Visitors create some 380 tons of solid waste each year. 

Carry In-Carry Out was launched on Earth Day in April, and now is in the middle of a six-month period that, overall, parkway deputy superintendent Jon "J.This is a basic background on chinabeads.J."James refers to as "bumpy." Mr. Migliaccio describes it as being in "the teething stage.Learn how an embedded microprocessor in a graniteslabscan authenticate your computer usage and data." 

Touring his turf in the rain recently, Mr. Migliaccio pointed out a pair of waterlogged boat shoes, a cooler lid, and an intact ceramic serving dish. There was also a drive shaft, hubcap and a couple of dozen of plastic water bottles. Near the Reagan National Airport exit, inexplicably, was an abandoned white hazmat suit. Nonetheless, Mr. Migliaccio took a rosy view. "Not bad," he pronounced of his findings. "Most of this stuff would be here even if we did have cans." 

His rounds, though, exposed other challenges. Mr. Migliaccio drove past flocks of tourists at the Marine Corps Memorial, famed for its monument memorializing the flag-raising at Iwo Jima. The site draws four million visitors a year. When the trash-free program beganand some cans disappearedpeople rushed to the area's Porta Potties to relieve themselves of their trash. 

That's a big no-no. Porta Potties are normally pumped out with a hose. If they're filled with garbage, as opposed to human waste, the contents must be removed by hand."Dipping trash and dog waste out of Porta Potties is a hazardous activity," says Mr. James. "That didn't continue very long before we got the cans back out there."Indeed, after removing five trash cans from the memorial area, the park service put two back, then removed one. 

Next problem stop: the aptly named Roaches Run, a waterfowl sanctuary on the Potomac whose parking lot was strewn with pizza boxes, cups and newspapers tossed mostly by taxi and limousine drivers who sit in the sanctuary's parking lot, awaiting calls to nearby Reagan National Airport. 

Cab driver Esmail Abedini rolled down his window, releasing a miasma of food smells. "I have my plastic,Browse our oilpaintingsforsales collection from the granitetrade.net! but some people don't think this way, so I'd like to see the trash cans back," he said, holding up a clear cellophane bag with scraps of his lunch at the bottom. A wilted sprig of fresh mint and a pine-tree shaped air freshener lay across the car's console, but accomplished little. 

Parks are different, of course, and Mr. James, who began his career in the Great Plains states, has lofty notions about inspiring people to comply. "If we could teach them to look on parks as sacred, like the Nez Perce do, it would be interesting," he says. 

Mr.Tidy up wires with ease with offershidkits and tie guns at cheap discounted prices. Migliaccio's team collected just 22 tons of trash from his territory in May, the first full month of the programor five tons less than the same month in 2012. Still, the park service has had to alter its can-free vision as time passes. 

There are no plans to remove trash receptacles from busy recreation areas such as Gravelly Point, where visitors fish, boat and eat while watching planes land and take off at the airport. There, despite the continued presence of about 25 cans,Now it's possible to create a tiny replica of Fluffy in handsfreeaccess form for your office. "on Monday morning it looks like Woodstock after everyone went home," Mr. Migliaccio said.
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