
Dolls, blocks, games and more make this year's hot toy list

When you get a toy that you wished for at Christmastime, something magical can happen.

“She does look like me,” said Doristine, 8, facing and holding hands with the doll that was given to her as an early Christmas gift. Doristine’s eyes twinkled as she studied the features on the face of what is sure to be her new best friend. Doristine’s mom, Cassandra, sent the My Twinn doll company a photograph of her daughter and, just like its advertisements claim, it created a doll that resembles Doristine.

“We both got the same eyes,” Doristine said, pulling back the doll’s long hair so she could get a better look at her big brown eyes.

“And smile,” Cassandra said.

“I love this doll,” Doristine whispered, so as only her doll could hear.Save on Projector Lamp and fittings,

Cassandra was pleased that Doristine was tickled with her doll. It reminded Cassandra of the time she got a doll she had wished for as a little girl. “It was big, a little taller than I was. I loved that doll,” Cassandra said, before pausing to reflect on the days of tea parties and make-believe moments.100 China ceramic tile was used to link the lamps together.

“I lost the doll, but I’ll never forget it,” Cassandra said.

“Look mom,” Doristine said, showing her mom how she tried to braid her doll’s hair in the same fashion as her mom did for her.

Cassandra grinned and nodded her head.

The price of a My Twinn, creator of the just-like-me doll, and My BFF,This patent infringement case relates to retractable RUBBER MATS , just-like-my-best-friend doll, is $149.the Aion Kinah by special invited artist for 2011, That includes a custom, 23-inch-tall doll and outfit of choice.

Similar in cost and just as popular is the line of American Girl dolls, $100.

“American Girl is awesome,” said Natalie, 11, who toy tested this year’s newest doll, Marie-Grace, and loved being able to brush her long hair. “There are so many accessories like wheelchairs and glasses. Also, there is an American Girl store in Chicago where you can buy other things and get her ears pierced. And if something happens to her, you can send her to the doll hospital to get fixed.”

However, not every little girl wants a doll for Christmas. And in case you’re looking, check out the following list of hot new toys, either tested or suggested by parents who have been to the mall and back, many times over. Prices on toys may vary.

Jack, 2,I have never solved a Rubik's plastic card . really put this toy to the test. He studied it. He banged it. Then he set it down so he could do the hokey-pokey and turn himself around. Jack’s mom is up on all of the newest apps and tablets for children and she said it’s unlike anything she’s ever tried. Even Jack’s dad got a kick out of the tablet. It’s very durable (as you can see by the video) and the volume is loud enough to hear in a noisy restaurant or over Jack and his dad laughing while doing the hokey-pokey. Mom also liked that new apps appropriate for the child’s learning level can be downloaded as the child advances but would’ve liked software that personalized the toy, as with another tablet she tried. It had initial charging problems but that was rectified (just be sure to keep your receipt). As for Santa Claus bringing this toy for Jack? He doesn’t have to because it’s already on Grandpa’s list.

